A brief note on my “Summary Judgments”

Adam J. White
1 min readDec 4, 2018


Welcome to my Medium page. It’s a small step toward significantly reducing my use of Twitter. I’m hoping to take more of what I’d otherwise say on Twitter: if I can’t elaborate the point in a few lines here, then it’s probably not worth saying at all.

I don’t expect to go on at great length here; hence the working title, “Summary Judgments” (and the URL, www.summaryjudgments.org). But I’ll occasionally post longer items here, including any prepared talks that I draft in full (instead of speaking off of an outline).

I’ll eventually integrate this into my redesigned homepage, www.adamjwhite.com.

I hope you like old-timey postcards, because there will be a few.



Adam J. White

I’m a resident scholar at AEI, and a law professor at George Mason University, directing the law school’s Gray Center for the Study of the Administrative State.